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The bestseller that almost wasn't. →


Matthew Lerner


In a twist of literary fate, Matt's year-long struggle to write a publishable book transforms into a gripping tale of perseverance and discovery. Initially faced with a manuscript deemed lackluster by his own critical eye, Matt embarks on a journey of refinement with the guidance of Ellen Fishbein, a sought-after editor. The breakthrough comes through collaboration with Bill, a philosopher who challenges Matt to distill his ideas to their essence. Through rigorous questioning and deconstruction, Matt uncovers his book's true thesis: a startup's success hinges on its pace and quality of learning. This epiphany, realized during a bike ride near Leatherhead, catalyzes a rapid rewrite. The final polish comes from Ellen's poetic touch, condensing the work into a concise, impactful 100-page volume. The result? An instant Amazon bestseller that resonates deeply with its target audience, proving that sometimes, the best stories emerge from the brink of failure.

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