Daniel, I fell sick around the time this came out and I could never respond to your lovely words. First of all, thank you so much for mentioning me. I appreciate it so much.

I also like James' reference and the round up in your newsletter is applause worthy!

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Sorry to hear you weren't doing well! Hope you're feeling better, I was more than happy to share.

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Oh Daniel - I love this so much in so many different ways. James Baldwin and Toni Morrison are two of my favorite writers and both had profound influences in my own desire to pursue writing.

Thank you so much for sharing their words and life here - it's funny, I just taught a workshop THIS MORNING on James Baldwin's short story "Sonny's Blues"! We were all marveling over his absolute mastery, the remarkable way he shed such light on both our individual and collective humanity.

Code & Prose sounds exciting - subscribed!

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OMG How did I miss this workshop! 😭

Glad you enjoyed this Grace, thanks for your support. I love learning about my favorite writers at a deeper level. I know they say you should never meet your heroes but Baldwin and Morrison are no doubt an exception in my book.

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Thanks for the share, Daniel!

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No problem sir, always my pleasure to discover great work.

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